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The Word of God
New Bible Verses

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Do you have that conviction and certainty?

Hebrew 11:1

INTRO: Faith is defined as something that is believed especially with strong conviction. It is also the belief and trust in and loyalty to God.

I.                FAITH DEFINED (v1)
A. Assurance of things hoped for (promise)
B.  Conviction of things not seen (principle)

II.            FAITH COMMENDED (v2)
A. The people of old (those called by God and responded)
B.  Those enlightened and understood God’s power

A. Through preaching the word of God (2 Timothy 4:2)
B.  Through faith coupled with works (James 1:22)

CONCLUSION:  Fight the good fight of faith, finish the race and keep the faith (2 Timothy 4:7) by guarding the pledge entrusted to you, avoiding derisive talks of nonsense and contradictions of what is falsely called “knowledge.” (1Timothy 6:28).